I should start this with a why and who I guess! My name is Kitsune and I am a hero working for Alpha. You may be wondering why I set up this blog now, I've been at this for a few years and not bothered but right now seems like a good time to do this.
I have always done my best to use my magic to help people and I've been involved in a fair few missions, both on my own and as part of Alpha teams. Most notably I was the hero responsible for the capture of the infamous Doctor Shadow (perhaps a story for another blog post). I've received occasional press interest here and there and I've really enjoyed some popularity in Japan but I never have and never will do what I do for fame, to be a 'celebrity'. But now I find myself skilled enough and confident enough to be on international missions, things of a scope that it's impossible to stay out of the public eye. So I wanted to set up this blog to give a better idea of who I really am. You may see photos or articles about me in the future but those will be from just one point of view, I want to have the opportunity to tell you about myself in my own words.
I've just gotten home from 'sunny' Venezuela and plan to talk about some of my experiences there when I'm over the jetlag!
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