A harlequin force of chaos (and at least sometimes light) Yllaneth was someone new I met in Venezuela. He had a hand in the ritual performed on the Friday night but it wasn't until the Saturday I truly started to get a feel for him. Many felt an exasperation at his riddles and clear amusement at our exploits. But to me he is potential, he is the flow of what may be, the future is chaotic, we have many paths until we pick one.
It's believed he's an Astral, at least that's what Lumina said he is but whatever he is he's unique, like we all are. I didn't pry into who or what he was too much, I certainly didn't use arcane sight to pry into his very being (surely you should at least take someone to dinner first before trying that!) I think he appreciated being treated at face value, for himself as a person. He clearly has his own feelings so they must be taken into account as best we can.
Many see Astrals as sources of power, or something so otherworldly that they are separate from us. But to me, it's all about respect, if something can communicate with us it is through mutual respect that we will learn and grow together and that neither party will grow bitter.
Or at least that's what I like to think.
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