Tuesday, 15 March 2016


Posted by Kitsune at 11:19
I've been asked often about my links to Japan and it's impact on my magic. A full explanation is likely a little complicated for a blog post, so maybe another day. But for today I'll talk about the effect Shinto has had on me. I visited Japan for the first time when I was in my teens and something just clicked. The magic I'd had all my life started to make a little more sense and it was at a Shinto shrine I met my first kitsune.

Prayers and rituals I have observed at shrines since then have played a large part in how I interact with magic and with astral rifts. I call to the astrals in the same way I would implore a powerful kami.

ひふみよ いむなや こともちろらね
しきる ゆゐつわぬ そをたはくめか
うおゑに さりへて のます あせえほれけ

Prayers of purification are playing an increasing role in what I do. Above is a beginners norito that I hope to memorise over time for rituals that it works well for. You may think it strange or wrong for a westerner to adopt Shinto as a practice but the kami came to me before i even knew what they were. Spirits of that nature do not dwell solely in Japan so why should Shintoism?


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