Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Harm None

Posted by Kitsune at 05:21
"If you bring harm to anyone I will take away your gift"

Being a ritualist is understanding the bargains that can be made between Astrals and mages. It's about knowing what you want and what's an appropriate price to pay. I have received many blessings from the kami and tapped several ley lines but something that has always eluded me is the gift of healing.

My inability to cure ailments has disappointed me in the past but in Venezuela not being able to heal actively hurt my spirit. There were people injured in fighting and people staving off illness. People were dying and for all my power I couldn't do a single thing. Until Fen found a rift for me.

It is now within my power to heal but actions have consequences and all gifts have a price. I chose the price I was willing to pay to be able to help people. I will bring harm to none. Some may call this a foolish choice in a 'superhero' but it is fitting of my nature and that of the Astral I dealt with. I will support, bring hope, heal.. I'll try to talk people down. I will do all I can do to be a paragon of the ethos that fighting should be the last resort. This world has enough fighters.


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