Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Ask Kitsune #4

Posted by Kitsune at 04:28
Q: Why did you join Alpha and not Omega?
A: The simple answer is just one word: Freedom.

My powers are pretty unique. While I hold similarities to other light attuned mages my methods are different. Only I know my abilities best and I will always use them to help as many people as I can. i don't feel I can do that successfully when I have someone who doesn't know my abilities as well as I do telling me the right and wrong time to use them. I could be told to do something but my powers simply wouldn't work if I felt it was wrong.

This last weekend gave me a tragic, but perfect example of why Alpha is for me. The ordered attempt on Lumina's life. I spoke with Brimstone, one of the agents involved in the hit over twitter yesterday~

"I fulfilled orders" a simple term that members of Omega have used in the past to try to alleviate their guilt at an act they didn't feel was right but they were told to do. I couldn't live my life like that. i need to know why I'm doing something, and that reason should be that it's the right thing to do.

1 comment:

  1. It does not alleviate guilt...perhaps only explains how we attempt to live with it...


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