Q: All I want is a cure for what I am. I don't want to be a mutant any more, I never did. But every time I tell someone this they look at me like I'm a monster. I just want to be normal, is that so wrong?
A: You are not alone. I have to start by saying that. Despite looks you may get sometimes there are others who feel just like you. it's not something that's wrong with you, it's something that's wrong with society. We should be able to accept every individual as they are but people in general aren't very good at that.
We all have our insecurities that are brought on for whatever reason but please, don't hate yourself because of your mutation. You are not your mutation. You are you. I wish i could tell you this in person and I wish I was better at explaining myself.
You may think that I cannot fully understand, I'm not a mutant after all. But I can empathise more than you might think. I'm a mage and have always had an affinity for magic. I may not have developed veins on my face but I developed odd behaviours that ostracised me. I was different, I am different. It took me time to accept myself. I never wanted a 'cure' myself but knew others who'd rather I was 'normal'.
This may sound clichéd but maybe the cure you need is to feel 'normal' while still having your mutation. Have you considered seeking out others who may understand you? Both the Mutant Rights Organisation and Evolving Thoughts are out there and wanting to help. And, of course, if you want to chat to me more my email address is over on the left there, i can tell you more about my experiences.
Take care of yourself Nonny x
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