Monday, 18 April 2016

What I thought was right

Posted by Kitsune at 09:34 1 comments
As I write this I'm unsure if I'll post it.

In my last blog post I spoke of my actions regarding Jessica Seneschal. Needless to say she is very annoyed at me for reporting her and increasingly more people are upset with me for being friendly with someone who worked on a mutant cure.

Maybe if I had been more flashy and open, maybe if I'd tackled the problem at hand rather than exposing its root I wouldn't feel as I do now.

I saw someone in pain trying to cure what they thought was the cause of their pain. Their mutation. I wanted to stop it, but surely just arresting her would stop it short term, but if she was determined she would keep thinking on it. I wanted to get her help, therapy, so she would stop it herself, maybe in time encourage other researchers of the error of their ways.

I did what I could.. What I thought was right at the time.

Being involved in such big things is new to me and I'm learning. I took a gamble to try to save and help someone in the hopes of a better long term outcome. Maybe I was wrong, I suppose only time will tell.

Friday, 15 April 2016

The Mutant 'Cure'

Posted by Kitsune at 09:15 0 comments

Today I found this on my twitter feed and I wanted to write an immediate reply, but 140 characters simply isn't enough to fully express my feelings on the situation.

I've often been criticised for who I talk to and who I choose to befriend. After I arrested Doc Shadow I kept in regular contact with him right up until his demise. Many asked why I was so involved in such a prolific villains life, why I was so cordial with him after all he had orchestrated? Even now I often have people ask me why I'm so close to people like Shady, and now this..

The answer is simple. I'm a hero to help people, all people. Our justice system exists not only to help the victims of crimes feel justice has been served but also to rehabilitate offenders. Some people steal out of desperation, or being misguided, some have roots that run deeper but when a criminal is arrested they don't just disappear, their problems don't just vanish, they (hopefully) begin a journey of healing and change.

Today I visited Jessica Seneschal, a bright woman with a lot to offer the world who has had her confidence in herself torn down by the world. Because of the persecution against mutants she feels as though she's an abomination and in her desperation sought to 'cure' herself of what she saw as an affliction that had darkened her life. It saddens me that when she looks in a mirror she sees that mark on her cheek and feels the need to cover it instead of appreciating all of her more positive attributes.

I first became aware of Jessica in Venezuela, I met her in the Coalition bar, she was scribbling feverishly at some notes and made mumbled comments on her 'affliction'. It pained me to see someone hate themselves so much, especially someone with so much talent that they'd been chosen to go on such a high profile international mission. I wanted to help.

I haven't admitted this publicly until today because I wanted to tell her first, to her face. I was one of the anonymous tips sent to the Mutant Rights Organisation. I am not a mutant myself, nor am I a therapist, I wanted Jessica to get the help of professionals who could understand her plight. I did not report her to drag her research into the light, I merely informed a reliable charitable organisation of an Omega mutant who needed help and support in the hopes they would extend a hand to her and help her see an alternative to her research.

Condemn me if you will for my part in her research becoming public knowledge, or for my visiting someone who would work on such subjects but I know in my heart that I did what I felt was right. I saw someone suffering and sought to get her help and support before things got worse.

Today I had coffee and biscuits with someone with a good sense of humour, a quick wit and a sensitive temperament. I met with Jessica the person, someone who should have more confidence in herself and will hopefully one day turn her brilliant mind to other worthwhile endeavours. I won't force her however, it's through healing, growth and the support of both professionals and friends that she'll find herself. And that is why I visited her.

And Jessica, I am sorry for commenting so publicly on something so personal to you, but I want you, and everyone to know exactly who I am and why I do what I do.

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